A Northwoods Almanac for March 28 – April 10, 2025
Cougar Cubs!
For the first time in more than 100 years, cougar cubs have been discovered living in the Michigan wild. State biologists confirmed the existence of two cougar cubs on private land in Ontonagon County in the western Upper Peninsula.
The spotted cubs, believed to be 7 to 9 weeks old, were verified from photographic evidence of the cubs taken March 6 by a local resident.
This is the first time cougar cubs have been verified since the big cats were hunted out of existence in Michigan in the early 1900s.
Cougars are believed to have been extirpated from Wisconsin back in the early 1900s as well. The last native mountain lion in Wisconsin was believed to have been killed in 1908.
Cougars are one of three wild cats native to the state, along with the bobcat and Canada lynx, but only bobcats are known to breed in Wisconsin.
Sightings – First-of-the-Year (FOY)
3/11: Jim Sommerfeldt reported seeing his FOY purple finch at his home on Middle Sugarbush Lake in Lac du Flambeau.
3/12: Hannah (Bonnie) Dana reported two FOY American robins in her yard in Arbor Vitae.
3/12: Jeanne Milewski saw her FOY American robin in a crabapple tree at the Marshfield Clinic entrance in Minocqua.
3/13: Jane Lueneburg wrote: “Right on schedule, first robin seen in Tomahawk this morning. He was in a flowering crab (not flowering yet).”
3/13: The Manitowish River opened up below our house in Manitowish. Last year the river only iced-over from Jan. 15 to Jan. 30, the shortest period in the 41 years we’ve been here. An average date for the river opening below our house is around 3/16. The latest year of opening was 2014 when the ice went off on 4/10.
3/14: I saw our FOY red-winged blackbirds in the wetlands below our home.
3/15: Common grackles appeared in Manitowish at our feeders. And a male northern cardinal was singing up a storm! Now all we need is a female cardinal to wander by. On a hike on the dikes at Powell Marsh, I observed my FOY mallards and sandhill cranes.
3/16: We had our FOY dark-eyed juncos arrive in Manitowish. Out on Powell Marsh, we saw our FOY northern harrier.
dark-eyed junco, photo by Bev Engstrom |
3/16: Nancy Burns observed her FOY hooded mergansers and common goldeneyes on the Manitowish River.
hooded merganser, photo by Bev Engstrom |
Wolves and Beavers
The Voyageurs Wolf Project (https://www.voyageurswolfproject.org) in northern Minnesota has numerous trail cameras placed in an attempt to understand the behavior of wolves in the greater Voyageurs National Park Ecosystem. One aspect of the research is the interaction between wolves and beavers. It’s long been knows that beavers are critical prey for wolves, but to what extent has been unclear. Researchers have now found that in the Greater Voyageurs Ecosystem from roughly April to October/November – when ice on lakes is largely absent – that beavers constitute on average 30% to 40% of all biomass the wolves obtain from predation during this period.
They note, however, that have studied numerous other wolves within the Voyageurs ecosystem for which beavers are the primary prey during the spring to fall, and for those wolves, beavers can constitute up to 82% of all biomass killed during this 7-8 month stretch.
Part of the reason wolves rely so heavily on beavers in the Voyageurs area is due to the abundance of beavers there. There’s one beaver lodge per square kilometer with typically five beavers per lodge, and that’s been the case for about 40 years.
That’s a very high beaver density and a major reason why the Greater Voyageurs Ecosystem has sustained very high wolf densities for many years.
In 2018, the researchers wrote a peer-reviewed publication summarizing all that was known on wolf-beaver interactions up to that point (“The forgotten prey of an iconic predator: a review of interactions between grey wolves Canis lupus and beavers Castor spp,” Mammal Review, February 2018). Even after years of study, however, they acknowledge there’s a great deal they still don’t understand.
To see wolves carrying off beavers, see the video: https://www.facebook.com/VoyageursWolfProject/videos/3953592814911574
Maple Sugar – Red Squirrels Are Addicted, Too
Maple syrup producers have been boiling sap since early March, and those of us that are addicted to pure maple syrup are salivating at the thought of waffles smothered in this year’s hot syrup.
However, humans are not the only ones harvesting the sap and enjoying the end product of maple syrup and maple sugar. In a 1992 study in western Maine (“Maple sugaring by red squirrels,” Journal of Mammalogy, 73(1):51-54), biologist and author Bernd Heinrich found that red squirrels “tap” sugar maples, biting through the trees’ outer bark and returning later to lick up partly-dried streaks of candied sugar and syrup. Heinrich noticed that his local red squirrels understood the sugaring season every bit as well as humans now do: they selected sugar maples almost exclusively, got up early to check their taps, and sugared only on warm days in late winter and early spring.
It’s important to note that raw sap from sugar maples is a dilute sucrose solution that scarcely tastes sweet to humans, and likely to red squirrels, too. Water content averages about 98.8% in red maple to 97.5% in sugar maple.
But somewhere along their evolutionary history, the squirrels figured out that if they bit the trunks of the trees and let the sap run, then returned at a later date once the water had evaporated out of the sap, they would have a very sweet treat.
In Heinrich’s study, the streaks of sugar that had condensed onto the maple trunks were avidly sought by squirrels. In over 100 observations of two to five individuals over 6 of 7 days, Heinrich watched the animals working their way up the individual streaks, licking the syrup and chewing the sugar that had candied.
The squirrels came to harvest sugar primarily in the early morning, one to two hours before the sap started to run, when there was sugar concentrate left from the previous day. They harvested on bright sunny days when the sap was running, as well as on days when there was no running sap available at any tap examined.
Interestingly, individual squirrels were separated by at least 20 meters from one another, and they appeared to ignore each other. This contrasts with red squirrels at my house who are very combative around our feeders and seldom cooperative. I suspect it was simply a matter of there being plenty of sugar maples trees to go around, so they didn’t have to be competitive.
The squirrels were highly selective in Heinrich’s study, harvesting almost exclusively from sugar maples even though most of the sugar maple sites also contained red maple.
Heinrich noted that he also observed the characteristic tooth marks left by sugaring red squirrels at 22 other sites in Maine and Vermont, so it wasn’t just red squirrels in Maine who had figured this out.
We don’t have sugar maples on our property (our soils are too sandy), so I’ve never watched red squirrels tapping trees, but I’ll bet those of you with sugar maples on your property may have seen this behavior. If not, keep an eye out and see if Wisconsin red squirrels have a sweet tooth, too.
2025 DNR Spring Hearings
This year’s DNR Spring Hearings and Wisconsin Conservation Congress County meetings will feature in-person meetings on April 14 in each county and on-line voting from April 14 - 16.
The 2025 ballot will feature 43 proposed DNR rules changes, mostly on fisheries questions. Votes on proposed rules changes are not binding but are important considerations for the DNR as it acts on the measures.
The WCC also is presenting 25 advisory questions.
To me, the advisory question with the greatest environmental consequence calls for a phased elimination of lead ammunition and lead fishing tackle.
The question's preamble states, “As a result of decades‐long reliance on lead ammunition, susceptible wildlife falls to the debilitating and lethal effects of lead poisoning. Mammals, eagles, waterfowl, corvids, even songbirds as tiny as chickadees, routinely feed on the remains of harvested animals. Ingesting a small amount of animal tissue with lead can result in prolonged suffering and death for wildlife that feeds on the remains that are left behind.
“Non-toxic options for bullets, shot and fishing tackle are available and often comparable in price to lead. Lead poisoning is preventable and can be eliminated.”
The question (#47) then asks: “Would you support phasing out uses of lead so that it is not left behind on our lands and in our waters?”
I hope literally thousands of you take the time to vote YES on this question. It’s long past time to eliminate lead everywhere.
The WCC's District Leadership Council has also once again introduced a resolution to hunt white deer, specifically in five southern counties that are claiming “several landowners and municipalities are experiencing damage because of the growing white deer population.”
Really? White deer are causing more damage than occurs from the regular overpopulated southern deer herd?
“Several” landowners and municipalities also amounts to how many – three? Hardly enough to warrant even the consideration for inclusion in this questionnaire.
The question asks, “Would you support legalizing the harvest of white deer in five counties: Jefferson, Marathon, Portage, Winnebago and Wood.”
Vote NO. If this goes through, next year they’ll be coming for Vilas County.
See the entire questionnaire at:
Celestial Events
A partial solar eclipse will occur at sunrise on 3/29. We’ll see a large bite taken out of its left side. Please remember you must wear protective eyewear to watch the eclipse.
Thought for the Week
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson